Showing posts with label inverse of determinant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inverse of determinant. Show all posts



Hello and Welcome to this post ,Today we are going to discuss the shortest and easiest methods of finding the Inverse of 2×2 matrix and 3×3 Matrix.INVERSE OF 2×2 AND 3×3 MATRIX, shortcut to find inverse of 2 × 2 matrix,transpose 3x3,inverse of determinant,matrices and determinants, determinant calculator, crammer's rule.

Usually when we have to find the Inverse of any Matrix then we follow the following steps .

1 Check whether the determinant value of the given Matrix is Non Zero.

 2  Find out   the co-factors of all the elements of the Matrix.

 3 Put these co-factors in co-factor Matrix.

 4 Find the Ad joint of this matrix by taking the  Transpose of a Matrix  of the co-factor matrix.

  5 Now  Multiply  Ad Joint of Matrix   with the reciprocal of               Determinant value of  the given Matrix.

This Method is very confusing, Long  and time Consuming.  So Let us have a New,  Easy and Shortcut Method .

Method For 2×2 Matrix

If we have to find the Inverse of  2×2 Matrix then Follows these steps.

 1 Interchange the position of the elements which are  a11  and a22 .

Change the Magnitude of the elements  which are in position a12 and  a21   .

 Divide  every elements of the given Matrix with its Determinant value.


 To find the Inverse of this matrix just interchange the position of elements a₁₁ and a₂₂  i.e   Interchange the positions of elements  5  and -3 and in second step change the magnitude of the elements which are  in positions a12 and  a21   i.e. change the sign of 9 and 4.
Now divide each elements with determinants value of the matrix which is  (5)(-3) - (9)(4) = -15 -36 = -51

So The Inverse of the given Matrix A  will  be 

How to find Inverse  of 2×2 matrix and 3×3  using short cut Method

Then after interchanging the positions of 8 and 2 change the magnitude of  7 and -6 and divide every elements with its determinant value (8)( 2) - (7)*(-6) = 16+42 = 58

The Inverse of  B is

How to find Inverse  of 2×2 matrix and 3×3  using short cut Method

 After interchanging the position of -3 and -6 and changing the magnitude of  -4 and -5 and at last dividing every elements with its determinant value (-3)×(-6) - (-4)×(-5) = 18 - 20 =  -2

The Inverse of  C is   

This video Explains all about Inverse of 2×2 and 3×3 Matrix

Method for 3×3  Matrix        

Ist of all  Write the given Matrix in five columns by adding the 4th column as repetition of 1st column and 5th column as repetition of 2nd column, then

C₁    C2     C     C4     C5
5      -1       4       5      -1
2       3       5       2        3
5      -2      6        5      -2

Now Expanding this Matrix to 5×5 Matrix by adding 4th Row as repetition of 1st Rows and adding 5 Row as repetition of 2nd column as what we received in last step.

R₁        5             -1             4            5          -1
R₂        2              3              5           2            3
R₃        5             -2             6            5          -2
R₄        5             -1             4            5          -1
R5        2              3              5           2            3

 Now to find the Inverse  of the given Matrix ,we have to find the cofactor of every elements

1 Find the co-factor of 1st element of Row 1 i. e5, determinant value of the Matrix (RED below ) obtained by eliminating the 1st Row and 1st Column which will be (3×6)-{(5)×(-2)} = 28,write these co-factor value in 1st column of 1st Row. (we are evaluating co-factors row wise and writing Column wise)

R₁      5      -1      4        5          -1

R₂    2       3      5        2           3

R₃    5      -2      6       5          -2

R₄    5      -1      4       5          -1
R5     2       3      5       2           3

2 Now Find the co-factor of 2nd element of 1st Row i. e. -1,which is equal to determinant value of the Matrix  (RED below) obtained by eliminating the 1st Row and 2nd Column which will be 5*5-(2)*(6) =13,write this co-factor value in  2nd Row of 1st column .(we are evaluating co-factors row wise and writing Column wise) 

R₁        5             -1             4            5          -1
R₂        2              3              5           2            3
R₃        5             -2             6            5          -2
R₄        5             -1             4            5          -1
R5        2              3              5           2            3 

3 Now Find the co-factor of 3rd element of 1st Row  i.e. 4, which is equal to determinant value of the Matrix  (RED below ) obtained by eliminating the 1st Row and 3rd Column which will be 2*(-2)-(3)*(5) = -19,write this co-factor value in  3rd Row of 1st column.(we are evaluating co factors row wise and writing Column wise)

R₁           5            -1            4             5         -1
R₂           2             3             5            2           3
R₃           5            -2             6            5          -2
R₄           5            -1             4            5          -1
R5           2             3             5            2           3
4  Now Find the co-factor of 1st element of 2nd Row  i. e. 2, which is equal to determinant value of the Matrix  (RED below ) obtained by eliminating the 2nd  Row and 1st Column which will be -2*(4)-(6)*(-1) = -2,write this co-factor value in  2nd Column of 1st Row .(we are evaluating co factors row wise and writing Column wise) .

R₁         5         -1           4             5           -1
R₂         2          3            5             2            3
R₃         5         -2            6            5           -2
R₄         5         -1            4            5           -1
R5         2          3            5            2             3

5 Now Find the co-factor of 2nd element of 2nd Row i.e 3, which is equal to determinant value of the matrix (RED below ) obtained by eliminating the 2nd Row and 2nd column which will be 6*(5)-(5)*(4) = 10,write this co-factor value in 2nd Row of 2nd column
  R₁        5           -1          4          5          -1
  R₂        2            3           5         2           3
  R₃        5           -2          6          5          -2
  R₄        5           -1          4          5          -1
  R5        2            3          5          2           3

6 Find the co-factor of 3rd element of 2nd Row i. e.5, which is equal to determinant value of the Matrix (RED ) obtained by eliminating the 2nd Row and 2nd Column which will be 5× (-1)-(-2) × (5) = 5,write this co-factor value this 2nd Column of 3rd Row, write this co-factor value in 2nd Column of 1st Row . (we are evaluating co factors row wise and writing Column wise ) .
 R₁         5          -1           4           5          -1
 R₂         2           3           5           2            3
 R₃         5          -2           6           5          -2
 R₄         5          -1           4           5          -1
 R5         2           3           5            2           3

Similarly for 1st , 2nd, 3rd element the co-factor values will be as follows
      For  A₃1 i.e  5

R₁       5            -1             4            5          -1
R₂       2             3              5           2           3
R₃       5            -2             6            5          -2
R₄       5            -1                        5          -1
R5       2             3              5           2           3
For A₃₂ i.e   -2
R₁          5         -1            4            5          -1 
R2          2          3            5            2           3
R₃          5         -2            6            5          -2
R₄          5          -1                      5          -1
R5          2           3           5            2           3
  for  A₃₃  i.e. 6

R₁          5           -1           4           5          -1
R₂          2            3           5           2           3
R₃          5           -2           6           5         -2
R₄          5           -1           4           5          -1
R5          2            3           5           2           3 

so we have  -17 ,-17 and 17 as co-factors of 3rd Row, write these co factors in 3rd column .

(we are evaluating co factors row wise and writing Column wise)

Ad joint   A   =   


⎾ 28          -2          -17 ⏋

⎹⎸ 13          10         -17 ⎹

⎿ -19         5            17  ⏌

Now divide with the determinant value of given 3×3 Matrix , which will be 5(28)-1(-13) + 4(-19) = 140 + 13 -7 6 = 77.

Now divide each element of Ad joint Matrix obtained in previous step with determinant value 77,

Then   A⁻¹  =   
Inverse of  a Matrix

How to find Inverse of 2×2 Matrix using elementary Transformations.Short cut to inverse of 2×2 .


This post was regarding short cut methods of finding Inverse of 2×2 and 3×3 Matrices , INVERSE OF 2×2 AND 3×3 MATRIX, shortcut to find inverse of 2 × 2 matrix, transpose 3x3,  inverse of determinant, matrices and determinants, determinant calculator, crammer's rule,If you liked this post ,Please share your precious views on this topic and share this post with your friends to benefit them. we shall Meet in the next post ,till then BYE .

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